"Caravaggio citerà Michelangelo nel suo Martirio di San Pietro nella Cappella Cerasi in Santa Maria del Popolo"

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Riaffrescata in occasione della visita del primo papa Medici la Cappella dei Papi a fu conclusa da Pontorno

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I need to touch.

Cristo velato (Giuseppe Sanmartino, 1753)
Cappella Sansevero (NA)

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A mix of Donatella instrumental and Acapella would fit so we'll with the EAU De Gaga commercial:

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Giotto "Strage degli innocenti" (particolare) Cappella degli Scrovegni 1303-1305

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. HO Pella Depot: Check out this item from the product report in our September issue.

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Sicily day 10: Seeing the light - Saul is blinded by divine light & led away to be baptised Paul (Capella Palatina)

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SPELLASAURUS is a good friend to have when you are horrible at spelling like I am!

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Birth of St John the Baptist (c 1486-90) detail

Ghirlandaio 1449-94

Cappella Tornabuoni, Florence

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For derp covers of Pokémon music ('Pokémon Derpappella'), I've recreated my spirit animal eating the mic:

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