Bebe and Cece I love you guys by Penny Proud
Kyla Pratt
The Proud Family
Disney Channel

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Bebe and Cece I love you guys by Penny Proud
Kyla Pratt
The Proud Family
Disney Channel

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"The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye," Hawley Pratt (1967)

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pennyproud kylapratt disneychannel theproudfamily

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Penny Proud and 15 Cent + 1 Cent = Penny Proud 16 years old.
Kyla Pratt Omarion

Disney Channel

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it took me like 3 hours to finish the shading on your upper lip

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Today and I were talking about how hard it is to capture Chris Pratts likeness. I'm still no closer.

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すごい!エルジェ・ミュージアムで「Hugo Pratt, Meeting and Passages」展が開催される。ヒューゴ・プラット、西欧で最も有名な漫画キャラのひとり、コルト・マルテーゼの生みの親、やるなエルジェ・ミュージアム!

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This would have been cooler / Así habría molado más. 🚕

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I drew it to say Happy Birthday and Father's Day to Chris Pratt😘 Love your GOTG and JW so much🌹😝

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Happy 36th Birthday 😁🎉
Love and best wishes to you from 😊

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