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Did this back when the first teaser for came out..I don’t even want to think about how long ago that was tbh 😂 Let’s just hope the wait will be worth it!

0 2


102 541

Poring over BotW2 grabs. For the first time in a long time, I feel like a kid, wide-eyed at a magazine staring at screenshots, looking at every detail, drinking it all in...

1 71

Too excited up about
Waiting patiently 🥺

5 65

That trailer was so cool ! Thank you Nintendo !!!

17 107

im so excited for botw2

7 15


26 113

Some little botw 2 Link doodle. Can't wait to see more of this game.

0 1

looks like it hurts

8 21

link falling through the clouds brought me back

16 36

a quick warmup of the love of my life

1167 4134

The trailer for got me very excited! Can't wait to theorise and then eventually play it!

44 200

*Shows up 7 hours late with starbucks to the BOTW2 new trailer hype art.
That new trailer got my heart fluttering again~ UwU

59 208