画質 高画質

Izuku is unique in his genre. He's timid, nerdy, emotional, book smart, shy, analytical and a introvert. He's unique from his counterparts, among happy go lucky tough guys. Izuku is relatable & different from them, which makes him special & stand out very well & more appealing.+

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Some mood stickies for ya'll to stick on yourself or your friends!

Totally relatable, right? : ' )


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My Vampire husband and my Angel

They’re just the most incredible characters to me, Vincent has a deep and relatable arc and has one of the best designs I’ve seen in fiction and Zack is such a shining beacon of hope and positivity who inspires me every day.


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i think these would be some of pierre's fav cookies

he likes eclair bc Relatable and he likes sparkling and custard bc they remind him of ronald

he probably likes all the lil kiddos bc they make him think of his sister

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your "simple" art, to me, focuses on emotion or whatever you're trying to convey. if anything that reinforces your art and makes it more understandable or relatable.

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Siera is so human and relatable, I love him🥰🥰

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babyji being scared of loud firecrackers and lion dance is very much relatable pls protecc 😭


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Night in the Woods
I love the characters, they feel like people I would hang out with. Especially Angus, I love that guy. Mae is a great protagonist too, I found her very relatable. I loved the atmosphere and setting. The cozy small town feel was captured so well

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As much as I was using it as a method of escapism, I realized how relatable most of the stories the world of Aria were, and how much of that I could apply to improve myself. Life doens't have to be so fast, I can take my time, why don't I try to live like that?

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And last, but definitely not least on the list, is this excellent meme from INCREDIBLY RELATABLE! I felt this way every time I explained my business to my family. And the looks on their faces matched the friend in that picture EXACTLY 😆

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67. For Vag*nas Sake
(idk if this word is allowed to be spelled here, better safe than sorry)

An educational take on the female body and periods, was quite interesting to read and many things were pretty relatable as a girl

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Too relatable. 😭

[Source: https://t.co/wpaYTjLdEc by alisonzai]

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