Nouvel emote terminé avant de dodo (oui il est tard.. ou tot..)

0 1

Bon bah Clip Studio ça vient petit a petit
Dommage que ça ai pris 4h au lieu de 2 >_>

1 4

Did you guys see that chubby Dodo pilot from New Horizons??? I love him??? He and Gulliver share so many stories

129 471

IT'S TIME. This took way longer than I intended.

MOM regrets to inform you that all attempts to take a photograph of 's miss Neonatta WITHOUT the Dodo resulted in blurred images like the one you see here.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

1 14

The only preserved head of the extinct Dodo Bird

30 400

J'ai commencé l'année 2019 en terminant une série, je la finis en démarrant une nouvelle série...
Quant à la décennie... Je l'ai commencée en tant que tout jeune agent des impôts, célibataire, coincé dans le métro-boulot-dodo parisien, et franchement loin de mes rêves... 👇

1 16

Kayanya... Akun... Dodo... Error...

0 0

Gynoid design commissions
'DoDo bird type, Cheer leader Style'

34 247


33 42




3 3

And a promised dodo.... for the dodo

0 0

On the ninth day of Starlight my FC gave to me!
9 Mage Explosions,
8 Raiders Raging,
7 Chocobo kwehing,
6 Hunts a Hunting,
5 Million Gil!
4 Flatbread,
3 Morbol Seedlings,
2 Dodo Birds,
And an Alfons in a pear tree!

2 3

今回の冬コミでは、DoDo様( )のヘリコプター合同誌も当サークルにて委託頒布予定ですが、実はイラストを1枚こっそり寄稿させていただいてます。この謎ヘリの正体は一体・・・?

41 92

1枚目:nekoya craft 様()/グリペン
2枚目:はだしらいす 様/ベルクト(DoDo様依頼)
3枚目:ゆんぴょう 様、すらいむ 様/明華(DoDo様依頼)
4枚目:よっしー! 様()/RF-4EJ-ANMファントム

10 14

1枚目:アズ鯖 様()/ライノ
2枚目:あもぷぃ 様()/ベルクト(カデクル依頼)
3枚目:菊 様()/慧&グリペン、バイパーゼロ
4枚目:キヨム 様/ジェラルド・R・フォード艦長(DoDo 様()依頼)

16 20


「夢見る港 8th Anniversary忘年会!!」

4 26

On the eighth day of Starlight my FC gave to me!
8 Raiders Raging,
7 Chocobo kwehing,
6 Hunts a Hunting,
5 Million Gil!
4 Flatbread,
3 Morbol Seedlings,
2 Dodo Birds,
And an Alfons in a pear tree!

1 3

Mother and daughter 😊
Itzel, Pa'ku holy priest
Zedrina, rogue
and Dodo x3

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