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[香港國安法 Beijing to propose hugely controversial security law in Hong Kong]
Instagram: ku_yuting

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`Even a satirical poem about President Xi Jinping could be defined as seditious,' says, if applies security law in as it does on the mainland. cartoons might also be covered https://t.co/kMVdyWt5Jd

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Peter Brookes on - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Hong Kong ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و 😆💗

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A l’origine, l’expression 攬炒 vient du jeu de cartes “Big 2” 鋤大弟. Ça désigne une stratégie consistant à entraîner d’autres joueurs dans une lourde défaite qd on a un mauvais jeu. En politique, la stratégie fait flipper l’establishment de

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One country One System .#HongKong is no longer safe , Your personal safety there is threatened by the authorities. Your money here could be confiscated with no justifiable grounds. Speech ❌Religion ❌Publishing ❌PressFreedom❌Rally❌Internet ❌

26 91

(日本語は苦手です > < ごめんなさい)
"forget me not" って今日の では深い意味がある

睇嚟佢喺近日嘅香港又多咗一層更深嘅意義 (..)
btw呢個係ame xd

28 80

Thank you so much to be with us for fighting against evil & strike back our 🙏

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Mask down, time for the kill: is set to impose a sweeping which tackles with sedition and subversion of state power. By severing HK’s civil freedoms, China attempts to bend this city’s knee to her will.

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Mass rally against China imposing their national security laws to HK is this Sunday May 24 at Causeway Bay!

The world saw what those batshit 🦇lunatics can do to our planet, it's now time for every human to and support

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遲來的 (ฅ´ω`ฅ)
●Instagram: https://t.co/lohYuwBkpP

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