画質 高画質

I don’t know why Easter feels closer than ever this year! 🤯 So I finally begun the first prompt of which was “egg painting” 😊 I have to say that Easter is one of my favorite holidays aesthetic-wise, it’s just so me, isn’t it? 😆

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hiii drew (and then promptly asked me to post it for her) ((follow her so i dont have to do this again))

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txt2img生成 / txt2img generation
ネガティブプロンプトあり/Has a negative prompt
キャラ指定高め/high character designation

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Negative Prompt Weightとかいうの入れてみた。普段のNPで左から0.2刻みで強度を上げてみる。CFG上げてるみたいな感じ?なるほどわからん

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It's true that 2D animations aren't widely spread in the A.I. community. But worry not!
offered us an amazing prompt.

I'd love to see your 2D animation experiments. Thanks for the prompt, Elizabeth!

Prompt: in the style of Don Bluth, Jozef Szekeres. MCU of… https://t.co/Izc7FsZImy

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So.. use to create prompt for to create a goblin.

Then Describe to create a prompt to use for image generation creating a fish looking thing.

Then Describe again to create a prompt based on that image for to create an alien...

Wild 🤯 https://t.co/Gw3MAji34Q

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Choose 2 and generated these from the word prompts what a cool new way to generate thank you 🖼️💕

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Midjourney の新機能/Describe を使うと、Nijijourney v5のNegative プロンプト探しが捗る。
①Nijijourney v5で出力
②Midjourney v5のDescribe に入れる

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A rare three-for-one, these were all pretty much with the same prompt I was just testing stuff to see if I could figure out any new interesting styles.

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Style prompt Walkthrough.

I've posted the style prompt for these images a while back and I've made a video going through the process of how I made it.

Find it here:

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You can now extract a prompt from ANY picture by using "/describe" + uploading an image.

then gives you 4 variations of a prompt it thinks represents the uploaded image.

Sometimes pretty close to the original ...
sometimes not so much. But hey: free prompt! 😅

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Last test for tonight of Midjourney's /describe parameter. Original image vs /describe prompt

Left is from an older V4 image, edited and color graded in PS.

Right is the result of the /describe prompt + minimal editing in PS.

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