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#MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/bC7ucWiV) 김서영 화백의 동생을 그린 두번째 작품. 보라색은 몸통이고 다리는 여전히 머리에서 뻗어나온다.
Say hi to App. Possibly Appy. Haven't quite decided yet. #MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/xWXwscZo)
About the extent of my drawing skills. #MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/Xaj9wMcj)
Not going to lie. Drawing @Mike_FTW's avatar creeped the shit out of me. #PaperFaces #MadeWithPaper
Thanks for the drawing, babe.
It's lovely!
#MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/6NC652Ro)
Spongebob Zombiepants #MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/rvt9tR97) http://t.co/cyPYkoyN