for all CheetahPaws calendar pre-orderers: The calendars are finally on their way to us and will be shiped to you as soon as they arrive. You missed this motive for January but we will do all we can so you can enjoy as much of the rest as possible!

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Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers’ Mystic Love Cult

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As the Greek Goddess of Agriculture, Demeter has been a prominent figure of providence, abundance, prosperity and wealth, she was worshiped by her devotees for an everlasting supply of food that would sustain the people's daily consumption.

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Yo era de las que shipeaba al Ramon y al Walala~

1 27

Heh...then be glad that I'm around< cause this gatorwolf here loves to be worshiped~

0 6

Ustedes me ven muy tranquila, pero en mi cabeza ya los shipee 3 veces ♥

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Today is Ashiya's birthday! \^w^/ While she may be a bit of a demon worshiper, she's also quite the chuuni. In other words, she's not the best at talking to others. xD ...but that just makes her so adorable! \\^W^// Happy Birthday! 🎂💖\^W^/💖🎂

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there is nothing more important to me rn than to see the yonan vs. meisou race happen

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Kisshu x Ichigo

Shipemos al único personaje con una evolución real en esta serie con el personaje protagonista mas plano de la historia de los magicals girls.
Malo ataca a heroína. Malo se enamora de heroína. Malo da la vida por la heroína.

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✨Maeve y Vormund✨💕

Que habéis hecho , .... unos diseños tan guapos, un kudere y una chica amigable...SABÉIS QUE ESA ES MI DEBILIDAD VERDAD, ES VUESTRA CULPA QUE LOS SHIPEE!!

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Cree un shipeo entre mi version moustro(derecha) y Anix(izquierda). 💖💞

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cuando shipeas a todo lo que se mueva XD XD

no olvido el Kronmaatra? :D

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My drawing of Manami 2 and a half years ago, and my very recent drawing of Manami now

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“The dark lord is our only hope.”

-corrupted Feuriah
-Will kill anyone between her and her master.
-Will obey Malefor’s orders.
-Ex-Guardian Apprentice turned Malefor worshiper.
-Outcasted by her own kind.
-Wants revenge on Spyro.

18 27

A la Perlita azul le gusta dibujar 💓 y tenía un dibujo de Perla amarilla... Qué la shipeada cósmica comienze!!!

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Subaru: Ha-ha-ha~!
Manami: Isn't it "ho-ho-ho--?"
Subaru: Ah, right...

sorry for the repost! I had to do some modifications~✨
Have a wonderful christmas break, everyone!

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¡Hoy es noche buena! Y les traigo este dibujo a mis foxica shipers <3 (Porque lo shipean, ¿No? Si no no tendría sentido que me sigan¿¿)
Feliz navidad :D💛❤️

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This atmospheric 18thc watercolour shows the Seven Churches at Glendalough in Wicklow, Ireland, with worshipers processing by the light of torches for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. (What's going on on the right?)

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I love so much and im a shiper, im not even sorry, hope you guys like it ♥

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