I want 無生 to love himself, and since he is also the dragon... 😇

28 68

Originally drawn for 七夕, but I'm late as usual. I hope it's okay!

45 129

Wanted to try to draw something cute since I've been struggling lately.

17 76


7 23

🌓 二人の殺無生 🌗
(As both his puppet version and his official Nitroplus version.)

25 71

ゴメンむーたん・・・☆ "φ(。 。^=;;)

9 25

Playboy Bunny 無生 fanarts, I wanted to try too. Doodle w/ watercolor+colored pencil. ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७

6 26

もし戦う代わりに、彼らは酔っ払ってお互いの上に眠りにつくとどうなるでしょう。 😇

39 114

As usual, I missed Maid Day because I'm American and never know these things. But I couldn't pass on a reason to draw 無生 in a skirt. 😊

13 36

( ò // ~ // ó)
Setsumushou-sensei + Necktie bondage + Desk
Colored pencil doodle

13 46

I don't know why I thought it was Children's Day today, but I drew 不患 and some bratty kids. 🙂

22 61

🌺~ A giant angry baby and his teacher ~🌺
Been wanting to draw scenes from 無生's childhood for a while.

19 45

I finally watched 『君の名は』 last weekend--I am American--so I drew this! (字幕是中文的,因為我不知道如何用日文寫。 但我相信大家都已經知道了。)

17 47