最近的喻黄 夜雨声烦真的好帅啊 不过我还是不会画索克萨尔这种大美人 下次加油!

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乔一帆、生日快乐🎁 ギリギリ間に合った〜!!(●︎´▽︎`●︎)

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Had a feeling it could be a typo 🤣🤣
Depends on how they adapt the story of course. At the current rate and if it's just 12 episodes per season, then we might need more than 4 👀👀

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Listen to your friend 👌👌
Because of its huge cast of pretty boys, sports theme and non-existing hetero romance, The King’s Avatar has always been very popular with BL fans in its home country 👀👀

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The numbers I quoted above are only for China.
But I’m glad you’re supporting the series through official channels 👌👌 means a lot to both the Chinese animation industry and local fans like me.

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Are you saying The King's Avatar is not a dating sim where Ye Xiu gets a build a harem of hot e-sports players? Because that's what it's always been to me 🤣👌👌

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Hitting the 100 million milestone in its debut week, Ye Xiu returns basking in glory!
From Friday to Sunday the 2nd season of King’s Avatar brought in 29 million views in its home country, ranking no.2 for the week with 99M including 70M from trailers.

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It's finally here 👌👌
Luckily we had Yang Yang’s live-action series from 2019 to keep interest in it strong, made the wait for its 2nd season less excruciating too 🤣🤣

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Highly recommended, the characters are very fun, it's an action-packed series that's incredibly easy to enjoy 👌👌
B.CMay the studio behind MDZS worked on its first season, so I can assure you it's one that looks amazing too.

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I'm just so happy to see Ye Xiu and everyone again 👌👌 they've been greatly missed 💗💗

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After almost 3 years of waiting it’s finally here 🤣🤣
It’s good that we had Yang Yang’s live-action series and the film from 2019 to keep interest in it strong, made the wait for its 2nd season less painful too 😂😂

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The King’s Avatar has always been hugely popular in its home country 👌👌
It’s a shame we had to wait almost 3 years for its 2nd season, but at least there’s Yang Yang’s live-action series and the film from 2019 to keep interest in it strong 💞💞

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この曲は9月25日から騰訊視頻で配信される大人気アニメ「全职高手」の続編「#全职高手2」(The King's Avatar 2)の挿入歌となった。


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