9位(RT20/Fav65):https://t.co/zMH4xlK2fX (mikankei3)
10位(RT25/Fav53):https://t.co/2i9xeWDMdL (myyo04)
11位(RT17/Fav60):https://t.co/QJ15zKSJQ9 (kotora_4040)
12位(RT16/Fav45):https://t.co/7vSRRxgM0P (kankoreoeaki1)

0 0

9位(RT17/Fav57):https://t.co/zMH4xlK2fX (mikankei3)
10位(RT12/Fav42):https://t.co/QJ15zKSJQ9 (kotora_4040)
11位(RT15/Fav38):https://t.co/7vSRRxgM0P (kankoreoeaki1)
12位(RT16/Fav37):https://t.co/2i9xeWDMdL (myyo04)

0 0

don't forget to give kosuzu a good morning kiss

🎨 4040tinta

0 10

9位(RT31/Fav116):https://t.co/m1pNYMI26j (makinoki)
10位(RT29/Fav104):https://t.co/aUcpsa8wzF (BE_ni09)
11位(RT28/Fav101):https://t.co/Ohp7CcFTEz (kotora_4040)
12位(RT24/Fav82):https://t.co/BrIW915jK5 (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

9位(RT22/Fav90):https://t.co/jR4EG4GOgU (comicand_com)
10位(RT23/Fav81):https://t.co/BrIW915jK5 (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
11位(RT19/Fav81):https://t.co/2NVkQnY1vV (fureppu308)
12位(RT20/Fav68):https://t.co/Ohp7CcFTEz (kotora_4040)

0 0

Thank you for purchasing❣

↕️ minted
Love Call from Vitamin-Chan +81-277

Please check more Vitamin-Chan here💕

4 16

Mutant Apes 5900 8697
2 minted for 4.0 $ETC
4040 of 10000 minted

3 10

9位(RT62/Fav184):https://t.co/hFvG7UuIhQ (kotora_4040)
10位(RT57/Fav189):https://t.co/aiSXyT9veX (kaedes)
11位(RT57/Fav161):https://t.co/FTwf12A3S5 (pista_land)
12位(RT43/Fav156):https://t.co/N8tm6J3ifV (mikankei3)

0 0

5位(RT49/Fav179):https://t.co/MeTOIeRw9n (GAKKY10227316)
6位(RT63/Fav158):https://t.co/kVemlMqgak (Rei_0_kanzaki)
7位(RT55/Fav137):https://t.co/hFvG7UuIhQ (kotora_4040)
8位(RT50/Fav132):https://t.co/Mm4uVlhPrW (Metadio_t)

0 0

Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here: https://t.co/4wUCLqczDd


I don't know what the backstory to this is, but it's pretty cool!

Get art below.

[0] Source
by …

16 152

Take a deep breath and chill with ZEN 4040, today's pick by !



Follow the playlist for loads more of all sorts!

0 3

9位(RT46/Fav154):https://t.co/JJuf1rohj1 (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT37/Fav107):https://t.co/ygKBksX8ld (senobeya)
11位(RT33/Fav110):https://t.co/NTly2ufZq5 (comicand_com)
12位(RT25/Fav92):https://t.co/q7c7404TQh (kotora_4040)

0 0

9位(RT26/Fav81):https://t.co/q6Tm7xC4KD (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT20/Fav86):https://t.co/pk7fpp31VW (zarusyu)
11位(RT25/Fav80):https://t.co/YMPRYhyZ9b (siroimakeinu831)
12位(RT24/Fav80):https://t.co/AewPMH2wel (kotora_4040)

0 0

9位(RT23/Fav69):https://t.co/q6Tm7xC4KD (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT18/Fav71):https://t.co/8rizQGVBSQ (comicand_com)
11位(RT18/Fav56):https://t.co/QuLCmoWN10 (nemurakka)
12位(RT17/Fav54):https://t.co/AewPMH2wel (kotora_4040)

0 0

❗️I feel like I should be more talkative here! I want you all to know I’m extremely approachable! I’d even let you hold my hand like this… even though I’m shy! ❤️
Art by @/4040tinta

2 14

Froggy Friend bought for 0.07 ETH (209.43 USD) by XR4-ETH from Deazen https://t.co/UquFA95DQt

1 3

I really really REALLY want to print this one drawing of my boy kosuzu on full size and hang it on my wall...
🎨 by 4040tinta I love them and their art so much

0 1

9位(RT21/Fav97):https://t.co/saMQfjdSs0 (TamamizuTM)
10位(RT15/Fav65):https://t.co/VMBNVFpsMO (murakumotsukino)
11位(RT14/Fav53):https://t.co/D43UlL8qkg (kotora_4040)
12位(RT17/Fav42):https://t.co/M4LE0SPhzv (mikankei3)

0 0