Here’s an illustration from Armstrong Sperry’s ‘Cast Alive into the Molten Heart of a Volcano’ from 1926. There’s a sacrifice and lava, but it’s an actual volcano rather than what I would consider a “pit.”

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Illustration by Martha Lopez, 1926.

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'The Magician' - Rex Ingram, 1926. Based on Somerset Maugham's book of the same name it features a magician named Oliver Haddo - inspired by Aleister Crowley - whom Maugham knew through the painter Gerald Kelly. Once considered a 'lost film', it is now available on DVD

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'The Retired Colourman' the 58th story in the Canon, first appeared in Liberty 1926.

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Pippo Rizzo (1897–1964), Treno notturno in corsa Night 🚇 running, 1926.

Last train

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 벨기에 태생의 신인상주의 화가 『테오 반 리셀베르그 (Théo van Rysselberghe)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1862.11.23 - 1926.12.14
● Artist CV:

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"The Castaway". Léon Spilliaert. 1926.
Image: RA

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“La encontraba demasiado moderna” 1926.
cuban magazine

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Anka Krizmanić 1896-1987, Croata.
Lovers, 1926.

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Nancy Cunard by Curtis Moffat, 1926.
Nancy Clara Cunard (1896 – 1965) was a writer, heiress and political activist.

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Actress Miss Aquamarine in Universal’s picture ‘The Midnight Sun’, 1926.

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Jacques Henri Lartigue - Royen 1926.

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Candido Portinari, Portrait of Celso Kelly, 1926.

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Art by John Holmgren.(1897-1963).
-Art Deco Colour Cover Illustration ‘Shawl There Is !’ Judge Magazine, October 1926.
-An Evening Wrap.Judge magazine, December 1926.
-“Using the Woods” , 1931
-Judge Magazine 1934.

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Oxford, 1926. A furious red velvet coat for the chaos of the beginning of term, for a morning on the fall of Robespierre, followed by lunch with the Warden, for moorhens & Mongolian limes in University Parks &, as evening casts melancholy, this ridiculous duel by the river reeds.

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Jeanne Mammen, Ostende, am Strand [The Beach at Ostend], c.1926.

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Agnes Miller, Parker Pigsty, 1926.

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Gerda Wegener, detail, On the banks of the Loire (Beaugency artists colony), Paris, 1926.

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