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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #3
Words @TomTaylorMade
Art @DarickR @DiegoR_Colorist
ABCs @deronbennett
All the promotional blurb says is this final issue is "Absolute Rapture"
I love Black Label and the fact that these creators are able to branch like this!
Exciting FINALE!
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #7
Words @GWillowWilson
Art @javiercaster
ABCs @SimonBowland
A new arc comes to the Dreaming!
I can't tell yall how much I love this book.
Every page is a treat to look at
The story itself is complex but not confusing
I fall in love with every issue
Celebrating Black Designers! Charles C. Dawson
ABCs of Great Negroes, Dawson Publishers, 1933, collection of the Art Institute of Chicago @ccgaiter @bipocdesignhistory
#BlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth #PeoplesGDArchive #GraphicDesignHistory
Strange Adventures #8
Words @TomKingTK
Art @DocShaner @MitchGerads
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
Have I ever mentioned that Tom's my favorite writer before?
And that Mitch and Evan are geniuses?
And Clayton is the best in the game?
And this comic is a masterpiece?
The Other History of The DC Universe #2
Words John Ridley
Art Giuseppe Camuncoli, Andrea Cucchi, @josevillarrubia
ABCs @swands
First we had the history of Black Lightning and now we got Bumblebee and Mal Duncan, team members of the original Titans!
Future State Superman vs. Imperious Rex #1
Words @Manruss
Art @stevepughcom @rfajardojr
ABCs @social_myth
The team that brought you The breakout hit JIMMY OLSEN is back at it again in Future State!
Lex vs Superman once again in a way you've never seen before!
Future State: Dark Detective #2
Words @marikotamaki @Williamson_Josh
Art @musashinoelegy @danmora @RedCube_Studio
ABCs @adityab @troypeteri
You can't keep a good bat down!
Everyone thought The Batman was dead, but he's back and ready to take on THE MAGISTRATE!
Red Hood backup!
Captain Marvel #25
Words @79SemiFinalist
Art @BelenOrtega_ @LeeGarbett @AntonioFabela
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
No words are needed.
25 issues in a row of Fantastic comics. And I hope there's 75 more!
Batman: White Knight Harley Quinn #4
Words Katana Collins Sean Murphy
Art @ScaleraMatteo @Dragonmnky
ABCs @andworlddesign
Recently picked up the other issues and wow this is an awesome elseworld's series!
This Harley Quinn is very unique and might be wanna of my fav versions!
Listen in or download the next day Buildingsonfire’s Taking it the Streets Podcast on https://t.co/8SoH2yiNa1 Blogtalk Radio Thurs. Jan. 21 7:30p ET for a Primer on the Anatomy of Building Construction: Intro to ABCs & FACTS 1.0
The Walking Dead Deluxe #7
Words/ ABCs @RobertKirkman
Art @CharlieAdlard @DaveMcCaig
Did y'all know that Kirkman did his own lettering? Cause I didn't! That's very impressive AND SO IS THIS COMIC!
The Famous Charlie Adlard takes over art from here and doesn't stop until the end!
Legion Of Super-Heroes #12
Art #RyanSook @WadevonG @RedCube_Studio
ABCs @daveLsharpe
Checking back into the biggest team to ever grace comics!
I feel like you can know somebody's whole life based on who their favorite LoSH is!
Who's yours!?
Future State: Superman Wonder woman #1
Words @DanPGWatters
Art @leiladelduca @nickfil
ABCs @TENapolitano
The two biggest heroes (that ain't Batman 😅) are here to save the world, Diana and Clark!
Oh hey wait a min Jon and Yara!?
This is Future State and IT IS AWESOME!
Future State: Kara Zor-El Superwoman #1
Words @EvilMarguerite
Art @S_Marguerite
ABCs #WesAbbot
Ugh, I've seen previews for this book and it's GORGEOUS. Like you all will be in AWE as soon as you get your first glance at the interiors!
Iron Man #5
Words @ifyoucantwell
Art @cafucomic #FrankDARMATA
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
How is this only 5 issues in!? I feel like we're well into a very established run!
I said the same with Iron Man where I thought he'd never be a character I'd like but now I love Hellcat too!
The Dreaming Waking Hours #6
Words @GWillowWilson
Art @javiercaster @ArtofNickRobles
ABCs @SimonBowland
I honestly believe that these two new volumes of The Dreaming rival @neilhimself's original comic. Never have I seen such GORGEOUS art, captivating characters & unique stories.
Amazing Spider-man #56/857
Words @nickspencer
Art @realmarkbagley #JohnDell @Davcuriel
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
The finale!?
It certainly feels like this can't get any crazier! This storyline might go down as one of the classic spidey stories and y'all should be getting on it NOW!
#dailydrawing 362 of 366 z is for zippy #20202020 #Alphabetod #robottod #ABCS #Alphabet #zest #zigzag #zebra #zap