>うさみみの朔間兄弟どうですか? https://t.co/d4E6qPnIGX ハァッ・・・ハァ・・・なにこれ

98 564

Satou Reiko.
Quick warm-up doodle; hope you like it~

38 176

>お暇な時で構いませんので伏見弓弦をお願いします…! https://t.co/yiayIbf2Kb ゆづお誕生日だからおいとこ🎊おめでと

19 150

>はれゆうさんの描いたつむぎくんが見たいです https://t.co/RLOKrPYeAy  つむぎのこと好きすぎて描く度私の趣味を詰め込んだおとこになってしまう

22 156

Asuka Kurashina from Aokana? owo

0 2

been goin kinda bonkers for kaokana lately hehe
( ensemble stars )

19 65

Have you been checking out the new games from our Store Partners?
Like Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue from


10 111

only had like an hour before going to bed then conflict rose when aokana dl finished so now im stuck between doodling shit or checking out aokana

ended up checking up aokana

0 0

Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue from is now available on https://t.co/qP05xkEF0e! Get 10% off your copy when you purchase from our website during launch week!


33 112

>朱桜司描いて頂けませんか... https://t.co/fVMVLgFnSc  ちゅかさ・・・

22 187

卒業証書入れる筒っぽいので作り直し。人型モデルが持つと小さめに見えるけどモフたちにはこれでいいことにする。ますますマーブルチョコレート。GIMPで文字を丸くする配置方法わからなかったのでAviutlでテクスチャ作るけど小さすぎて見えない。(お借りしたもの モデル aokana様)

0 1

>お暇な時でも、高峯翠描いていただけませんか…! https://t.co/MzmgIEV1Fe  み・ど・り・くん🌟

8 83

>月永レオ描いて頂けませんか…… https://t.co/5Dgyu2qU1N いいぞ

102 517

Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue!
We are happy to announce that Aokana was approved by Valve and will be released at the end of this month, on the 27th of September!

100% Translated, 100% Edited and QA 75%

49 117

>しののん描いてもらえませんか、、 https://t.co/GMJwQB5Fm1  いいぜ

29 198

We just sent out the Backerkit surveys for the rest of our backers so check your Emails!
The Aokana Backerkit will stay open until late September so you have enough time to fill out your surveys and buy additional add-ons!

11 70

It hasn't been that long since our last blog post and here comes another one already! And it’s a long one too so grab a drink and settle in.
It covers the Aokana Backerkit, Future releases and more information regarding Melty Moment

34 120