Remembering Kenyan Dedan Kimathi who was executed by the British on this day in 1957. He led the KLFA (Mau Mau) revolution against the brutal British occupation of his country.

"I don’t lead terrorists. I lead Africans who want their self-government and land.”

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One thing you have to give South Africans...we’ll find the humour in ANY situation! 😂

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African Elephant art, sahara, Africa, kids wall art, Original wat…

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A gem of an exhibition: Africans at the Dutch Royal Court now on in the Historisch Museum Den Haag. Well researched and nicely balanced

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The visual ridicule in the mass media aimed at black Americans and Africans ran rampant in US.

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Africans didn't give up their land without a fight. Check out these 19th century UK reports (1838 - Zulus, Ghana) (1892 - Zanzibar, Dahomey)

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New test means earlier detection of cryptococcal killer of 125,000 sub-Saharan Africans each year.

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We're not American's, we're Africans who happen to be in America. We're not American, we a…

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The scramble for .africa: Lawyers in denying their own domain

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A 1100 AD bong found in Ethiopia showed Africans were smoking weed 200 years before China recorded marijuana smoking

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"In Africa you have space...a profound sense of space here, space and sky" Thabo Mbeki

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Join on talking to on why Africans continue to flee to Europe

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What If Americans Ate Like South Africans And Vice Versa?

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Africans explored our continent 2000 years before Portuguese via Pharoah Necho of Egypt and the Carthagians (Tunisia)

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