The tops had enough and want their bebes back from their grasps 👀👀👀

156 1145

Quick random comic. (Took 5 days of break and me being dumb, I almost forgot how to draw reeeee )

90 745

Alright, so with the old Chaggie children drew back, I did also draw a fanchild, so here she is!^^
(Note: these fankids aren’t part of my NG)

3 24

Did another dtiys to I know I do tons of drawthisinyourstyle shit, but must do it to get at least more famous on insta and twitter ;-;

1 11

Because I can. And because I felt like it. And because I love thinking of Al as a sadist.definitely

45 259

So I finished my painting. I think it's the actual first piece I've done that hasn't been comic related, but hey it's done and it looks good.
Time: 7.5 hours

0 9

I found this activity and I wanted to join!
congratulation to for reaching so many followers at IG !! >v<

Activity information: https://t.co/7zp9EtwUlO

3 21

I'm joining the it's been really hard, i nearly lose it, but it's done, finally, also i tried new textures, tell me which version do you prefer, fur or lines.

9 77

Wholesome niffty trying to teach alastor to bake!

0 4

Otro proyecto que hice espero que les guste

2 25