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Mis ilustraciones de Vin, Kelsier y Shallan. 👀
Se vendrán más dibujos en el futuro pero tengo un ritmo de lectura horrible, así que paciencia. 🙏

32 234

Dtyis challange from Instagram from Zodianknight

0 12

Fiz a Allana também

A pintura tá diferente…

12 104

apocalypse character for a fun challange with some art firends

0 29

“Rhaena had enjoyed a life of comfort […] singers composed odes to her beauty and knights jousted for her favor […] dozens of gallant young lords competed for her smiles, artists begged leave to draw her, and the city’s finest dressmakers sought the honor of making her gowns.”

115 643

GM! I took part in "Draw this in your style" from instagram. The author of the challange is an illustrator from Paris.
Let's have our DTIYS ?

0 21

the Gallant, the Mystic, the Scribe

276 1433

The sequel yall have been waiting from the Cfo post
Allan Bravecog from toontown has been MADE!1

18 43

One old, one new. Both knights with their challanges!

2 11

Add a tilt to your painting to make it look very dynamic... or just plain drunk

1 5

boa noite hj n foi nada produtivo fiquem com o allan e a loretta

12 60

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.42 ETH by nft_hedger from Z-1eth_challange https://t.co/ARo9O23c8w

1 1