People who call Namor's ankle wings lame, just know that Namor is the first flying superhero because of those ankle wings. That superhero trope came from him and every single super character that flies is because Namor did it First. 😌

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I would never say Namor has more validity than other actual PoC characters, but I've always read his atlantean people as being non white, espically in early 1939/40 comics its repeatedly stated Namor's people are a kind of indigenous/tribal people

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Defenders (1972) Black Panther stops a group of Wakandan men from selling Tech to Atlanteans who claimed to be acting under Namor's direct orders. Namor is aghast to find his military has loosely interpreted his orders to this magnitude as political tensions rise.

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After revamping Damor's outfits, I've figured out that he looks much better in red and I can't believe it took me this long to figure that out.

3 11

Didn't post it earlier but here's my spooky or should I say spookytoro 😈🎃🔥 and yes..... bucky stole Namor's trident 🔱

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It makes me so upset!!! 😭😭😭

Stevenamor was good & I'm glad Namor's mental health was addressed

Ok but how can you forget this 😭😭😭

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Mi amado Connor 🦁💕
Sé que muchas tenían preferencia por Leo, pero no sé porqué yo tengo una debilidad tanto por Connor como por Aaron de 'Junto a ti, mi amor' y cómo en la portada no se apreciaba tan bien, lo tenía que dibujar solito

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I am once again here to say that Phil Briones Namor design does not get enough attention, it's my absolute favorite out of all of Namor's solo series.

2 19

A fast Beatrix for
One day I said 'Hey doc, creo que voy a hacerte un dibujo ¿De que lo quieres?', to what he aswered 'Beatrix. Le falta amor'.
And love I gave.
I guess. Let me know how is it guys.

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I'm like Magneto. I find Namor's antics very endearing. If he didn't have the giant ego he has, he wouldn't be Namor.

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Bosip! I decided to apply Amor's shading style to this. It was interesting yet kinda fun to do :)

1 15

010- Whoopwing, Normal/Flying. Reboot of Qamor's regional early encounter bird. Whoopwing are very playful and make a cute sound, but it does get a tad annoying when there are dozens of them all tweeting over and over again🥳

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Thinking about Namor's fashion in Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four I love the robe. His whole character design here was so cute. Come back and draw Namor again Clay Mann!

Also love how tiny Namor is compared to Attuma but he's still like taller than most other humans.

0 9

mentioned FF Season 1 Namor, I cant stop thinking about how Johnny's huge fire burned off all of Namor's chest hair AND gave him the perfect shave & haircut:
1. Johnny has practice with chest shaving bc he does it himself.
2. Where is the superhero barbershop au?

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Did You Know: After Ysgramor's son Yngol was lost in a storm, Ysgramor slew a dozen dozen beasts while grieving for his son? Yngol's burial site would later determine where Windhelm would be built, as Ysgramor desired to be able to see his son's tomb from his palace.

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Namor's expression when he thinks Jim is dead (again)
Fantastic Four (1961)

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I should post more art so here's my dnd character, Amor'on. He's a warlock and my patron is the dumbest thing and i'm too embarrassed to say who/what-

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I reject the implied Captain Nemo is Namor's father storyline bc Marvel will have to pry the tragic love of Fen and Leo from my cold dead fingers. However I am most certainly on board for there having been poly love between Leo/Fen/Nemo until they parted ways.

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'Arrullo de Amor', un tebeo que he hecho en lo que llevamos de confinamiento. Son unos relatos de distintos autores adaptados a cómic. Lo hice por pura diversión y espero que lo disfrutéis también. Podéis descargarlo aquí

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