day 31! amor appreciation :D
i just wanted to say, thank you for making these dumb little characters cause they bring me so much happiness- we all appreciate everything that you do, and make sure to take care of yourself!

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| DAY 31 - amor appreciation

in this house we love and support amor 💙💛💪

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Day 31: Amor Appreciation!

Today is a spooky month, which means- Happy Halloween Everyone!
I was gonna do amor as miku b u t I didnt have time to do it- and skipped a lot of days- But! It was fun ^^

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Happy Halloween for everyone!! I want to thank everyone that participated even if you only made a single day in and thank you for making this reach a lot of people. I'm greatful of yall for making this happen :] October went fast...

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Here ya go, the amor design in bosky :)
Sadly i cant animate

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OMG THIS IS SO LATE AA- (also no day 30)

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Time to introduce my Nonsensical Odds AU, have Altra (N-Odds!Amor)

Own tag:

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Hey guys, did a simple drawing cause I need to finish an assignment then start Day 29.
Hmmm probably draw else too while I'm at it

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day 19
I must tell you... I don't know what the hell I did... I'm a mess... But as long as I've done it, there's no going back... I hope you like it. :,D ... 😶😶😂🤐

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cheering is stressful so i took it out on bob by putting him in a cheering outfit

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my internet was out and I wanted to be useful so

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