CAPTAIN AMERICA remembering that time he punched Hitler in the face. From War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants Pencils by Jorge Molina, inks by Adriano Di Benedetto and colors by David Curiel

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More Moira & Charles. From POWERS OF X#1. Story by Jonathan Hickman, pencils by RB Silva, inks by Adriano Di Benedetto and colors by Marte Gracia.

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Buon sabato caro George. Passa un fine settimana benedetto.

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Just finished up these practice pages from Generations. Pencils by R B Silva Inks by Adrianno Di Benedetto colors by me.

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誰も求めていない製品を発明して、ありもしない問題を解決しようとするMatt Benedettoさん、最高にくだらなくて好きww (丁寧なメイキング動画付き)

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Anche tu, se vuoi
Benedetto Luti
(Firenze1666 - Roma1724)

Allegoria della Sapienza

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The official baddie of the night is Alex Benedetto from Gangsta

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حتى الآن لا أعلم كيف حدث ذلك منذ ذلك اليوم، وكيف لذلك اليوم أن يفجر كل تلك الأحاديث داخلي ولا يصمت، ولن يصمت أبدًا حتى تتحدثي، ولن تتحدثي أبدًا حتى نلتقي، ولم نكن يومًا سوى قطارين متجاورين، لن نلتقي إلا بحادثة.

- عصماء أحمد، ذلك اليوم
Artwork by: Benedetto Cristofani

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Anyway.. here's some "Land of Giants" art for you all! Molina - Di Benedetto - Curiel

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Hey there I’m Tommy DiBenedetto I am an inspiring storyboard artist. I hope you like my work 😊

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Penso che questo sia il disegno migliore che abbia mai fatto di lui e la cosa mi rende molto fiera 💖 sapevate già che sarebbe stato Minghao, sono scontata e whipped per lui 🤧

(Però che fatica fare quel benedetto naso eh)

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Aperitivo : Allié à Baroni offre un joli choix de dessins gênois dans son cabinet, Place Vendôme, avec notamment ce joli clin d'oeil de Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609-1665) à l'un des tableaux les plus baroques de Nicolas Poussin

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From Benedetto Cristofani Choices on continent: while the West dawdles the rest of the world is taking China’s lead by enhancing its ties with African countries.
Client: The Economist
Art Director: Suzy Connolly

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Giulio Romano assisted by Rinaldo Mantovano and Benedetto Pagni
Sala di Psiche: Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche (detail)
Italy (1527-30)
Fresco. Palazzo Te (Mantua)

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"Trying to understand the facebook scandal" by Benedetto Cristofani

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