LARRUN | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?


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ERREPORTAJEA | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol jokatzen dute hedabide hegemonikoek? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?

15 14

Hey all, the good folks over at have a launching in under an hour for their new book Bete Noir - check out the launch party at

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Guess who? Bete Noire!

GT by Camila

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My First Open Collab!! "Twisted Mind's spell"🧡
Have fun coloring this! I wanna see how you guys do!
Please tag me on here when you post it or Post it on Amino so then I can see it! (as well as crediting me)

Bete Noire is from and belongs to

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Cornered. (オリジナルは Camila Cuevasさん)

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Stress doodles are fun--
Bete Noire from glitchtale!

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Practicing with Ibis paint, could be better, oh well
Bete Noire by

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I found an old drawing of Bete Noire that i made a while ago. Glitchtale belongs to

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"A Bete Noire"
Finished doing a open collab with
Betty belongs to

And yes i did a few changes on it =w=;;

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Scared of me-
Bete Noire, alias, la Betty


5/marzo/2017 25/agosto/ 2017 4/enero/2018. 28/Febrero/2019

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Neues Cover von Band 3 und Band 1 :)
Morgen kommt der dritte Band aus dem Druck und ich bete dass alles gut geworden ist >_<
Ich halte euch auf dem laufenden.

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Bete Noire had better watch out.
(Digital art and sketch by me)
(#Glitchtale by )

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aldizkariak 100 urte bete ditu!! Hori ospatzeko zenbaki berezia kaleratu dute eta neri eskatu didate azaleko marrazkia egitea. Hemen duzue bere osotasunean ;-)

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La bele et la bete 🌹

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The queen of hearts

Bete Noire by

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