You can't tell me NakedToaster and Xyx don't look similar to Estinien and Leofard.
here are some sketches

26 77


played blooming panic for the first time and got this cutie patootie's route !!

17 83

Well Let’s see how far I can go.

189 968

complete bloomic portrait series!! yayyyyy

50 210

Couldnt forgive myself for that last sketch 🙈

9 39

A comm I did which I feel Needs To Be Shared

31 298

totally not me making up for missing his bday aha,,

46 277

Quester? I hardly know her

18 78

Part 4 baybeeee, Owl must have possessed me or something cuz I actually like how this came out

60 200

I missed posting bloomic content and I read a sad owl fic so here we are now

13 40

reeeeally belated happy birthday, my love 💖

2 4

I showed my friend a drawing of nightowl and said he looks like a drag queen and couldn't help but try to draw him as one

1 22

I usually avoid drawing heads at different angles but I decided to give it a shot this time

Also practiced shading and lighting (which i hate the most lol)

3 21

OHMYGOD twitter user gogglegrape posted more blooming art?!?! absolutely !

19 72

don’t let ur dreams be dreams. put them in harnesses.

31 129

Chris and xyx amogus, just doin' dorky things

Today I didn't rlly have the inspiration (and mood) to do anything, BUT- I wanted to at least do smth simple for my beloved and dearest xyx! 💕✨

5 45

I present you xyx in his birthday boy skin

19 71

pov: discord mod becomes discord kitten

14 63