a bukowski reina de las bombas, rompedora de muros

esta ve un zombie y se lo come (literalmente...) https://t.co/lH1LwurasH

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I love this 15thc terracotta bust of a young John the Baptist so much, he looks like your secondary school boyfriend who is always holding a Charles Bukowski novel with the title facing out and tells you that your music taste is "actually pretty decent."

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Carl Larsson (Swedish painter) 1853 - 1919
Kurragömma (Hide and Seek), 1898
watercolour with oil paint
93 x 62 cm. (36.61 x 24.41 in.)
signed C.L. low right
private collection
© photo Bukowskis

Catalogue Note Bukowskis

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he hecho un meme para presentaros a Bukowski de daemonium.... pero resulta que también soy yo

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예전이나 지금이나 똑같이 철없는 쌍둥이

27 104

La chose importante est la chose évidente que personne ne dit.

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E ricordati che ti penso,
che non lo sai ma ti vivo
ogni giorno,
che scrivo di te.
-Charles Bukowski-

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Ohhhh si !!
Hay cosas peores que estar solo ...
pero a menudo cuesta décadas darse cuenta de ello y más a menudo cuando esto ocurre ya es demasiado tarde y no hay nada peor que un tarde ....
~ Charles Bukowski ~

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Some international artwork for Tales Of Ordinary Madness (1981) Dir by Marco Ferreri based on Charles Bukowski's book.

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"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

Charles Bukowski or Chuck Buk - "I'll write my own damn poetry. With blackjack and hookers". Except forget the blackjack (and some might say the poetry).

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“I just want a hot cup of coffee, black, and I don’t want to hear about your troubles.” 😏— Charles Bukowski

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Quanto dura
Questo eterno cercarsi
Questo eterno volersi
Senza volersi mai
E questo eterno ignorarsi
Volendosi sempre.
Forse l’amore è
Di chi si ama
Da lontano,
Perché bisogna amarsi
Col doppio

Charles Bukowski

🖌Dipinto di Ron Hicks

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Poteva toccarmi in un milione di modi...decise di farlo nel modo più bello
Sfiorò la mia mente e nulla fu mai come prima...


Vladimir Volegov

39 68

I hate that I kinda did full color on this dumb thing but whatever 🤣. The bukowski twins just having stupid conspiracy, and I don't know why is dave there but I'm gonna pretend that he got rescued XD. And it was based on that video.

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This time I decided to make a character I like a lot, Mae Bukowski from a Night in the Woods!

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