he hecho un meme para presentaros a Bukowski de daemonium.... pero resulta que también soy yo

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예전이나 지금이나 똑같이 철없는 쌍둥이

27 104

La chose importante est la chose évidente que personne ne dit.

1 3

E ricordati che ti penso,
che non lo sai ma ti vivo
ogni giorno,
che scrivo di te.
-Charles Bukowski-

10 15

Ohhhh si !!
Hay cosas peores que estar solo ...
pero a menudo cuesta décadas darse cuenta de ello y más a menudo cuando esto ocurre ya es demasiado tarde y no hay nada peor que un tarde ....
~ Charles Bukowski ~

2 8

Some international artwork for Tales Of Ordinary Madness (1981) Dir by Marco Ferreri based on Charles Bukowski's book.

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"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

Charles Bukowski or Chuck Buk - "I'll write my own damn poetry. With blackjack and hookers". Except forget the blackjack (and some might say the poetry).

0 2

“I just want a hot cup of coffee, black, and I don’t want to hear about your troubles.” 😏— Charles Bukowski

0 1

Quanto dura
Questo eterno cercarsi
Questo eterno volersi
Senza volersi mai
E questo eterno ignorarsi
Volendosi sempre.
Forse l’amore è
Di chi si ama
Da lontano,
Perché bisogna amarsi
Col doppio

Charles Bukowski

🖌Dipinto di Ron Hicks

4 8

Poteva toccarmi in un milione di modi...decise di farlo nel modo più bello
Sfiorò la mia mente e nulla fu mai come prima...


Vladimir Volegov

39 68

I hate that I kinda did full color on this dumb thing but whatever 🤣. The bukowski twins just having stupid conspiracy, and I don't know why is dave there but I'm gonna pretend that he got rescued XD. And it was based on that video.

22 106

This time I decided to make a character I like a lot, Mae Bukowski from a Night in the Woods!

1 4

If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it.


92 249

Good people with the souls of cats
are very few
Yet here and now
many fine cats with great style
lounge about in the alleys of the universe...
(From “Cats & You & Me” by Charles Bukowski)
🎨 by Japanese illustrator Okada Chiaki

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