Clump the Sandshrew takes fishing for compliments literally :V 🎣

3 21

So this prompt really got my creative gears going. lol I got to thinking, "Wouldn't Batman in the Pokémon world be modeled after a Zubat?" It makes sense to me. Maybe a Golbat would've been better, but... I like the big Zubat ears on him.😆

6 30

Bobjim the Pidgeotto learned his sales tactics from a certain elf boy in Hyrule 🧝

1 26

Type Chart the Psyduck is probably Batman… so he’s definitely Darkwing Duck 🦸

2 16

Ike loves his socks

15 63

Beans has fully evolved into Beedrill! Still makes plenty of toast~

2 25

Bassoon the Ekans, class of 2022!

2 21

Beatrice hyping up Jitters on an adventure!

1 13

Grog the Bellsprout, who cannot cook 🔥

3 33

Well since everyone else posted theirs :V

0 9

And Mal's first 6!! So excited for this series!!

15 66

I like to think Franklin and Jitters just sit and jitter whenever they are together

1 18

Franklin and French Toast the Bulbasaur Siblings

1 16

I love the contrast between the two Spearows! I like to think that Dale looks up to Fowl Crow.

4 25

Franklin the coffee loving Bulbasaur !! ☕️ 🌿

2 21

Stephen's first set of GO Pokemon! Mal's will be next but MAN they're going so fast! xD I can hardly keep up!

13 67