Just to give a sense of what a glow up my art went through from doing C Team shit ALONE, in 2019 I redid a piece I had initially drawn two years before. I should redo this again for the finale maybe…

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2019 was a big year for C Team fanart! I drew a very extra Donaar and then a joke Dona(i)r. I love both my sons equally.

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Well, okay, this thread is going to take a little time to put together but I might as well start now, and try not to cry as I go.

Starting back when the show did, in 2017. Old art!! I was immediately in love with Brahma.

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I don't really do art so don't have much to share for but this show means a lot to me.
Here is a Jason Re'Mraz from S4E19&21 that I slapped together last month

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Seeing is bittersweet. The C-Team is the reason I'm even on Twitter! I created this account specifically to tweet this (now rather dated-looking) piece of fan art to . I had absolutely no idea how far down the rabbit hole this would take me.

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The C Team has been there for me through highs and lows, and has constantly inspired me to create (in many mediums). I've also met so many dear friends through it. Thank you for all the laughs and good times, your labours have pleased us 🙌

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How could I forget Walnut and their friends.

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The characters are real, and I love how they changed. If you haven’t listened, I recommend.

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The C Team is ending and I've been looking at all the art I've done for it and now I have all the feelings, every feeling

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Aaaaand it's here! My entry for Halloween this year.

This year I did it with a lot of time in advance, as I never did it on time 😜


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Happy day! Here are the different colour variants I used to make the above gif. Trys described Prism as flashing through shades of anger and pain, with the colours stopping halfway down the hand, leaving a dark black half-glove.

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RISTAR! One of my favorite games! It's made it onto most of the Genesis/ collections & is a fantastic game.

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I'm catching up on the and when I got to this moment Iiiii had to make this.

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Feral Sonic: No Matter The Package. Artwork done by , short story & monologue done by .

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With the leaves falling and the brisk chill on the air it seemed right to repost this beauty. Of all of the pieces I did back in the day this may be my favorite.

really did something special assembling this crew.

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Saw post his Packs Unplugged work and it made me want to re-share mine! So here’s my C-Team cards! Thank you for letting me be apart of the project!

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