i recently had a 'conversation' with someone that made me feel like republicans/conservatives are hardwire brainwashed into thinking I, a far left neoliberal socialist, hate them on a personal level, even though im not most of those things. Made me feel sad for America's future.

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Conservatives: "Why don't black people like us"


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conservatives: "democrats are running a global p3do cabal"

also conservatives:

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Conservatives: We're not racist
Conservatives when a black person dies:

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The POWER radiating from this purging the prejudice from conservatives:

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Boy, if conservatives are mad about Lil Nas X banging Satan, wait'll someone tells them about Monster Prom, a game where you play as a character of any gender and one of your love interests is a literal demon prince of Hell

Or Monster Camp, where there's TWO demon love interests

4 22

Lol, we might have finally found a way to get conservatives to care about the environment?

Also obligatory "Can it make mine go away?" joke XD

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Gen X being asked by conservatives to save them from Cancel Culture.

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Been a really rough couple of weeks for terminally online conservatives

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A journalist should ask Dr King’s family if they authorized or endorse the use of his image and likeness to illegally distribute Dr Seuss’s racist books, as a mysterious new group run by conservatives is doing. I also wonder who is funding them? 🤔 CC

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Conservatives when Disney films a movie right next to literal concentration/death camps vs. Conservatives when Disney fires someone for saying antisemitic shit.

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You see a lot of “Gina Carano was fired for being a conservative” nonsense.

It’s those tweets, by conservatives, that conflate conservatism with antisemitism and transphobia.

It’s not a label that anybody else is applying, but that conservatives have applied to themselves.

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Conservatives don't like McCain. Check out the Ben Garrison cartoon when he died:

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I know a lot of people are celebrating Trump being banned from twitter, but take a moment to think about how terrible it is that a social media conglomerate can actively silence a sitting president.
Twitter needs to be held responsible, because it won't stop at just Conservatives

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Conservatives suddenly hating the free market....

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u mad bro?
almost like he was right about corps gaining too much power... wait nevermind its because conservatives are opressed or something

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Conservatives refusing to remember how famous movies end is consistently funny

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