Character File
Chinese name:叶瑄
English name: Emerald
Sign:Capricornus♑ ( maybe?)
A man giving directions.

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This week's Zodiac interview is up with Capricornus, the father-figure of the Zodiac!

Read it here:

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22/12 - 20/01

Décimo signo do Zodíaco
Um dos três signos da Terra
Um dos Quatro signos cardiais

Representa a Constelação de Capricornus
Estrela principal: Deneb Algedi ou Delta Capricorni

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I just had to re-do the "finished" version I posted earlier, I just killed it too much with edits ... I really have to learn my lesson with "less is sometimes more" better... I'm much happier with the simple ruddel look ^^'

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Anecdote sur :

On peut noter que dans le manga, tous les cornus ont des noms faisant référence à des divinités annonciatrices de malheurs :
Seth -> dieu de l'orage (Égypte)
Piodon -> Loki dieu fripon (Nordique)
Triton -> annonciateur de tempête (Grèce)
Diabal -> diable

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Some characters for a idea because who wouldn't want to be part of the Circus? Ringmaster Pipella D'Ghallanda, her faithful companion Cornus (an elderly three-legged Blink Hound), and the lovely lilac Tiefling is 's!

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“Amalthea, the Capricornus” - 4hr44 w/ 🐐

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Ouais je penses que ça se voit que j’aime les personnages cornus hehe !

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i got curious and looked up those dates in stellarium and they both have very lucky stars! except masa's is the lucky star in capricornus ghrghd (Nashira) qian's star is . Iota Aquarii not that bright BUT its between sadalmelik & sadalsuud, 'luck of kings' & 'luck of lucks'

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The brontothere Parvicornus, juvenile and adult

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Colour and fragrance from (intermedia Diane), and (Transatlantica Eternal Fragrance) and colourful stems (Sanguinea Midwinter's Fire) are just some of the to greet visitors during the next month.

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Image de l'épisode 14 de la saison 2 de !

Le secret des cornus va être enfin dévoilé et une grande bataille se prépare entre les sorciers et l'Inquisition ! 🔥

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Anneau de harnachement orné d’une tête de mouflon encadrée par deux têtes de héros cornus et deux félins. Bronze, début du premier millénaire avant J.-C. Luristan, Iran.
Musée du Louvre.

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