some cosplans
will list more later

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Add Xiao Bai to cosplans ✨✨

Not for future con but only for selfies at home I guess
So I can take pics with Xiao Hei & bidiu plushies 🥺

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Something to sum up how my current cosplans are sitting in my brain

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cosplans azula gets 2 pics

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Cautious Hero is the goofball of doomsday preppers & its great. Seiya's personality shortcomings give us something for him to develop but it makes for good comedy

Felt like sharing, might cosplay later

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My cosplans for the rest of 2020. Who’s excited? Me, I am💃🏾

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Anyway Cosplans from Likely to most Likely

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Green lit Arknights cosplans 😁 Hopefully by last quarter of 2020-2021

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2020 cosplans. Might add more later. Short list cuz cons are scarce.

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all my anime cosplans that no one asked for. we got: well meaning trash disasters...and sword lesbians.

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I am working on multiple costume props and pieces between shifts and also preparing a commission sheet for me when I open them at the end of the month!
Planning on costesting Female Sett today or tomorrow and cosplans include Iguro, Miruko, and Hawks! Lots of costumes!

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Ok new cosplans incoming...
Let's say Reyson is a given for next year even though I hardly doubt that this hair colour will suit me xD.
And as I won a giveaway for ears accidently...
Well I am going to go a bit out of my comfortzone. I like her a lot just in heroes...

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These would’ve been my cosplans ☝🏼😔

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Sendo mais pé no chão, Esses são meus Cosplans. O meu próximo vai ser o Atsushi, já que tenho boa parte da roupa e vai sair mais barato. Já o Yuki e o Ryuji não sei quando vou poder, mas quero muito fazer deles dois. O Ryuiji eu faria numa roupa mais casual

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It's 4am and can't stop thinking about Caenis.

She's gorgeous. Exquisite. Stunning. Aah... I wonder if I'm crazy enough to add her to my cosplans. Naaahhh....

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Some future cosplans!

The artwork featuring Essek was created by

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so current Pax West 2020 cosplans! still deciding whether or not i’ll do more but these three are guaranteed 🖤
K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing), Sebastian (Stardew Valley), Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)

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Cosplans cosplans cosplans ❤

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