tava ouvindo north pole e fiquei estranhamente mal fazia uma cota que nenhuma morte de celebridade me deixava tão :\\\\ das ideia
rip groggs

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I'm Cota, a character artist and student from Florida. Badass Ladies are my strong suit!

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Esto fue anoche en la Cota 905 donde hubo tremenda Cero mascarillas y distanciamiento social nulo, sin mencionar el mar de gente A DIARIO en Catia y Petare, pero Delcy Rodríguez habla del desastre en Colombia. El descaro y la mentira son su Norte.

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Capcom's rendition of Sentinel (codenamed COTA-94 😉) is the best Sentinel, period.

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"Pero Fingolfin brillaba debajo como una estrella; porque la cota de malla era de hilos de plata entretejidos, y en el escudo azul llevaba cristales incrustados; y desenvainó la espada, Ringil, que relució como el hielo". — El Silmarillion

Arte por Guillem H. Pongiluppi.

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「X-MEN COTA2」待ってます👍

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【NEWS】九州拠点のプロデューサー・チーム・ADD CREATIVE、¥ellow Bucks迎えた第2弾シングル「Light」MV公開

監督はCOTA ONO、撮影はアムステルダムで敢行 https://t.co/vxaf8BRsZH

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Art made by (cota_va on Instagram) ✨

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【話数追加情報】「今宵、少女は獣に抱かれ…/ep.15(第43話-第45話)」(COTA先生)が本日配信開始されました!各公式サイト様でも順次公開予定です。#CocoCheek https://t.co/blgNuzRTWL

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PalMod 1.41 adds support for X-Men: COTA. Left is original, right is modified with PalMod.

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i'm cota, a character artist! congrats on your milestone man!

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I'm Cota, a freelance character/concept artist and illustrator! You can find more of my work or support me at the links below!


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Ae glr eu fiz uns wallpapers (tem lá no insta tbm)
1- Keith (Voltron)
2- Meiko (Meu filho q eu perdi a imagem de referência pq faz uma cota q eu desenhei kk)
3- Mais filhos (A referência é de um desenho do Horikoshi, mangaká de bnha)
4- Lance (Voltron)

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAA OBG OBG OBG💖💟💓💓❣💞💖❣💗💟💖💓💖❣💓💗💟❣💖💟❣💓💞💞💖💟💗❣💓💗 Eu só não fiz a Fem!Akiomi porquê eu tava com muita dor nas costas mas eu tenho mais 2 desenhos pra cota de hoje então TALVEZ EU FAÇA

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[ m e e t m e ! ]

Fiz no cell, faz mó cota mas, resolvi postar agora kk

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What's up, I'm a little late to the punch, but I'm Cota, a freelance character artist and illustrator about to graduate this year. I love drawing girls that can go past the impossible!

You can find me here!


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