Daily Pokemon
Time: 44 minutes
checks my notes uh huh just another cute fox pkmn if only it’s evo wasn’t so UGLY

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Daily Pokémon
Time: 32 minutes
triangles (strangles it)

3 15

Daily Pokémon
Time: 41 minutes
I slept for like........ a lot today LOL

4 28

Daily Pokémon
Time: 31 minutes
don’t hate it as much as skwovet (chokes it)

6 20

Daily Pokémon
Time: 42 minutes
falls asleep immediately anyway hate this thing

4 17

Daily Pokémon
Time: 42 minutes
omg bro (snaps his limbs like a twig) ☺️

8 29

Daily Pokémon
Time: 30 minutes
no sub 30 sob sob (sobble 😏)bruh also I always forget this things name LOL

6 32

Daily Pokémon
Time: 46 minutes
I have nothing to say raboot is just another edgy teen middle evo

7 29

Daily Pokémon
Time: 35 minutes
scorbunny so cute 🥰

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Daily Pokemon
Time: 1 hour and 2 minutes
no sub hour rillaboom😔cringe

7 25

Daily Pokémon
Time: 42 minutes
omg..... gen 8 time..... we r here.

7 32

Daily Pokémon
Time: 1 hour 4 minutes
I hate this thing (sobs)

5 17

Daily Pokémon
Time: 1 hour 6 minutes
sleeps.... . .. . .... .. . . ........

6 18

Daily Pokémon
Time: 39 minutes
I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO PSOT ITJUCND oh well it happens ☺️I‘ll just ignore the anxiety

7 30

Daily Pokémon
Time: 1 hour 38 minutes
puppy tomorrow.. . ...... pogging so hard rn (bawls my eyes out)

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Daily Pokémon
Time: 56 minutes
Geometric shapes 🤢 blegh

3 24

Daily Pokémon
Time: 1 hour 41 minutes
Busy day once again eheheh

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