//=time() ?>
And that's really it for ST references. Moving on the promos, Tamer Battle Pack 11's Junomon seems to be asking Jupitermon for help.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Given the similar backgrounds, another conflict is shown between the two Legend-Arms.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
ST13 features a few cards that drop us into a conflict between the D-Brigade and the Legend-Arms.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Lastly for ST12, Jesmon assembles some of the Royal Knights in ST12-10.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Another bond that has been focused on in the game is the rivalry between Etemon and Volcamon.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
At this point it's a given that any Huckmon or Sistermon card will depict their bond.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
I couldn't find anything relevant in ST10, but ST11 picks things up with a Re:Digitize reference. Gigimon is hanging around the game's Village of Beginnings.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
ST9-09 shows Stingmon prepping up for a nightly kill, as does Sistermon Ciel in the background.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
And Dinobeemon seems to be fighting AtlurKabuterimon.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Paildramon seems to be fighting MetalGreymon.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Another brief narrative is a battle between Ornismon and Imperialdramon on an ancient Digital World.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
While these aren't actual references, there is a brief narrative depicted between ST9-01 and ST9-08: the birth of a Pipimon at Wormmon's daycare.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Así son los tapetes y fundas exclusivas del campeonato #DigimonCardGame DC-1 GRANDPRIX de este año.
Guilmon y sus digievoluciones con un impresionante Gallantmon❤
¡Celebremos los 20 años de #DigimonTamers en occidente!
#DigimonTCG #Digimon
Nightmare soldiers-Nature spirits-Metal empire.
#Digimon #Fakemon #デジモン #Digimonoc #DigimonGhostGame
#DigimonSurvive #Digifake #DigimonCardGame #Dogdigimon #Fandigimon
BT6: The artist @tessy_oekaki confirmed Agumon and Gabumon are meant to be on Re:Digitize's Railroad Plains.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
BT8-084 depicts a battle between Chimairamon and, judging by the ripped tentacle and harpoon, MarinChimairamon.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
BT8-072 features PicoDevimon as a familiar once again.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
BT8-069's Parallel shows Ouryumon "duking" it out with Dukemon X.
Besides being what may have happened in Chronicle, Duke X is also the final boss on the Pen X 2.0's quest mode, whose poster mon is Ouryumon.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Ryudamon's X-Evolution is aided by the Aqua Orb, which Yuuji uses on Digimon Chronicle for the same effect.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム
Agumon evolves all the way to Ultimate throughout these four cards. This is a pretty neat idea.
#Digimon #DigimonCardGame
#デジモン #デジモンカードゲーム