My mom keep forcing me to draw her face 😌 first pic i saja buat rambut mcm tu and then she said “i got bangs so pls draw bangs for me”🤣 she sit beside me until i finish drawing🤦🏻‍♀️ stress aku org dok perhati aku melukis😭 dah la baru second day lukis atas tab mau gegaq tgn aku😭

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Thanks for this thread!

We're House Dok Productions, makers of Fractured Kingdom, a game of mysticism in the dark future, Metahumans Rising, inspired by classic superhero stories, and the Steel Aces webcomic. We post updates every week and have a Patreon for bonus material.

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Spent time today journaling out some non-negotiable concrete goals for myself in 2021. Settled on 3 for the Hobby.
1. Add 20 plastic Witch Aelves to my DoK.
2. Paint a Barak-Thryng army for AoS.
3. Paint a Ynnari army for 40k.

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Team RoadRunner
레인보우식스 시즈 한일교류전을 응원합니다.
Rainbow six Siege Kr & Jp Friendly Match
대회일자 : 2020.12.19. ~ 12.20.


14 39

Hasil lukisan setelah diwarnakan. Aku tak buat speedpaint tang warna ni pasal aku memerlukan ketenangan, kalau tidak dok terkejar masa je karang.

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Not selling them but giving them a deserved rest as they have fought many glorious battles and served Tayrathi well. I am excited to see empty shelf space knowing I will continue adding to my beloved DoK in 2021 and using full plastic armies of them (save a few kitbashes)! (3/3)

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choose your dok

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trying out the grayscale method tapi tulah dok reti lagi hahahaa susahnyaaa 😭☝️

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Ndak usah malu malu sini dok

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Sejam aku dok melayan ini, masa baca artikel pun dah tamat (tanpa dibaca artikelnya). Tahu² dah samlai masa tengok Start Up pula! 😅😄

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Happy Birthday to you, Dok Zhie!! 🥳
I wish all the Best, Best, Best for you ❤️🦉

Sorry for my late gift

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HBD Dok, semoga bisa membuat NI menjadi powerhouse internasional.

2nd digital ever yang kelar wkwk

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i designed an irken oc for my story >:) their name is dok and they are a weary old soul who lost their brain cells a long time ago

1 22

Dok ter and blob man
first time try draw human and yep proud of it and yes
always there wwww

(Mengambar itu menyenangkan)
Selamat Malam jumat Semuanya
Have a great Night

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2021년도 한예종 애니과 상영회,전시회를 기다리며!
기다리기엔 너무 먼 시간이니 재학생분들의 개인 작품을 소개하는 시간을 가지도록 하겠습니다.

올 해 졸업생인 DOK님의 아트웍들을 감상해주세요!
더 많은 작품들이 궁금하다면!

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