More Darkwing AU. I dub this one the "Stranger Things AU" where Miyu and Drake meet as young teens

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DT/DW OTPs: 7 - Drake x Fen x Don x Launchpad

Yees😍Finally my favorite OTP!!

Just💕everywhere, I don't have much else to say🥰

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I cant stop drawing these effing ducks rn I just adore them and they're rlly boosting my serotonin lol! Srsly tho, it feels good to fall in love with them all over again ^u^

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So no one told me Drake shows up in the new Ducktales and I got to that episode while catching up and I'm 👏hype👏 Still boyfriends almost 30 years later Also this was first try with the new style!

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❤️Witch🧙‍♀️ x 💜Hero 🦸‍♂️

(I must admit, this couple has incredible chemistry)

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Found a cute fluff promt list and its lead to ducktales fluffy shipping so starting off with these two otps of mine.

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This came from the idea of “what would happen if Fenton and Drake are best friends because they don’t know the alter-ego of the other?”

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