Name is Natsu! I’m a bi Mexican-American graphic designer/artist based in Oregon. I love drawing stuff like bad ass and cute characters, my friend’s ocs and my own uwu

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of the Day: The Ox Cart, Summer 1884. Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm. Portland Art Museum, Oregon.

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Pasen una excelente noche!
Descansen y buenas noches.
Dulces sueños!!!

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Treino de pintura.

mini egon.jpg

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egon egon egon.jpg


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‘Infinite Electric’
16” x 20”
Acrylic & Spray Paint on Wood

My latest painting for 2 curated by for in Portland, Oregon. If you are in Portland catch the opening TONIGHT 6-11pm. The show is looking insane and I am…

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Hi! I’ve opened up commissions to help pay for my move next month to Oregon. I’ll be needing to fix up my car, get checkups for all of my pets, and finish paying off some bills before the drive over. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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The upcoming film 🎞 ( is an Official Selection at the 🎥 in India 🇮🇳 in the category. Stargazing was Daniel’s favourite activity growing up in Learning about the cosmos was all he wanted to do.

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Since it's a formal intro: I'm Adrien, I'm a transmasc cartoonist, and I'm an ex-Floridian living in Oregon. I draw a lot of queer monsters, listen to a lot of vaporwave, and drink a lot of coffee. I don't like my face much, so here's some drawings.

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Harold Ramis would have been 73 today. We miss you, Egon.

(Art by Ash Vickers)

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Wonderful by shows that half the population of lives south (!) of the border between the two US states of and Great Source:

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Hi! I'm Terry Blas. Mexican/American artist and writer in Portland Oregon. I do comics and Illustration.

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Hi I'm Mac, an artist who just moved up to Portland, Oregon. I'm looking for work, check out my portfolio here:

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hey i'm a comic artist/illustrator currently based in oregon. i talk game design, and make comics with lots of cute punchin

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Working on a cover illustration for a biannual journal for music educators in Oregon.

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Wonderful paintings by Alyssa Andrews from Portland, Oregon.

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Here's a slice of a new project! It'll be based on short stories about Where the mighty Columbia meets the vast Pacific!

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