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It's been a tough 72hrs. My wife required a sudden medical procedure not covered by insurance. (she's recovering great) She is disabled but our FMLA coverage for the rolling calendar year has been exhausted. My employer has just let me go due to these absences not being excused.… https://t.co/twBu1IYHJK

15 21

I've been meh. Content's been low from me lately, and I apologize. I plan to have Witchy Wednesday (the Podcast stream) started next week, and my OF content will come this month.

I'm just MEH'ing. Mama Moo is exhausted for no good damn reason.

0 13

" There is a time for being ahead, a time for being behind; a time for being in motion, a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous, a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe, a time for being in danger. "


1 1

I'm exhausted today, cuties...!! BUT!! Just gotta hang on because we're playing D&D tonight~! ✨ I hope you have something to look forward to as well!

4 19

A little 15 min bad future Odette doodle because I’m exhausted :)

3 36

Alright, that's enough pre-sleep profundity for today.

I'm exhausted. Xx~goodnight

0 17

Exhausted from school and work but I'm just... sketch practice with Charis and Eve MV screenshots 💚

1 17

yall in every sense of the word i am . extremely exhausted ... i feel weak ... i just wanna get home

0 9

dream:“i’ll probably dream when
be exhausted squidcraft
when squidcraft starts
starts sorry”

Idea from:

125 880

My head is spinning all day today, I couldn't concentrate and work. There is turmoil and psychosis at work. I'm driving home from work just exhausted.😵‍💫🤯

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Just some sketches. I'm still very exhausted at the moment but I'll hope that will get better.

0 3

“Here I thought I was the only night owl of the keep…”

“Am I really a night owl if I don’t sleep?”

“No, my dear Queenmander, then you’re something else entirely.”



(🎨: @/artist_ratthew)

21 133

Want to release art in a few hours but I'm feeling exhausted and it's 6 days since I minted. so to make it exactly 7 days again before releasing...

new art tomorrow🔥


Og collectors and bidder’s edition (2022)

4 30

So exhausted, so off to bed, so tired.

Too much soing without any point on this thread

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day
Tá súil agam go bhfuil lá iontach agat

0 4

Exhausted & sleepless maglord, perhaps frequent nightmares?

0 12

feeling exhausted again 👍 i need to take a break for a week or less, you can send here your pets or characters i need serotonin

0 14

Good morning everyone, I'm exhausted from the recent events and personal life this morning. I'm going back to bed for a nap and hope I don't wake up late for my doctor appointment. If you need me, I'll be snuggling up under my heating blanket.

5 18

Woah, super sleepy and exhausted today. Guess I'll do a bit of a calm start into the week and take it chill. Have a sleepy pupper 💚💜 Maybe I'll just doodle a bit today for fun^^

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