day 15 (I made last day the 15th by mistake oops) - stoic Legolas expy! I'm not really one who's good at drawing archers or fantast clothes, but... I felt this turned out pretty well! Maybe one day I'll read/watch Lord of the Rings, but not today.

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15. stoic legolas expy

…the closest i have to this is my oc, klar. they’re a weapons major/a decent marksman, they don’t smile and they have pointy ears, so... XD

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So uh was Legolas Expy but ??? Uh- I guess Lach is in a VERY weird convoluted roundabout way I cant explain

(Also its now tradition to put Poppycat into every pic of Lach HSDGH)

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Day 15: Stoic Legolas Expy
It took a minute but I finally figured out what this meant!

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Day 15: Stoic Legolas Expy

(Idk what was this day about but in one episode Discord dressed up as Legolas so I hope it counts)

My little pony inktober
Discord legolas mlp fandom fanart

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Day 15 (Too lazy to fix the lining so have this haha): Stoic Legolas Expy

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stoic legolas expy

i have no clue who legolas is sooo

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Back to the Giga Illustration Project! Here’s John and Paul (mischievous artifact hunter twins) Justice (fame-seeking Ice-type user), Dave (expy of one of ' characters) and Parcellus ( -style Gardevoir/Gallade hybrid)

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Back to the Giga Illustration Project, now with WAAPT characters! ft. Jade (expy of ‘s character), Blake (poacher/bounty hunter enby), Cincinnatus (spooky masked weirdo) and H. G. Cross (time-travelling prick)

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Impa's look in AoC is kind of disappointing to me because she's too much of a Paya expy so I tried to give her some usual Impa vibes!

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Super old pic (2010) of a really weird fancharacter that I really wanna expy somewhere because I love her design, and I don't think anyone would remember her original significance and where she was from (though there's a tiiiny chance that I have a single follower who might...)

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moving on with it's "stoic legolas expy", expy being a term I had to go on the young people internet to have explained to me. It means "basically legolas" in this case so I did that, sorta

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For 9 years I designed Sirius (the Family Guy/Simpsons expy) to be a stereotypical male elf. It was only until last year I thought him being cursed into a salamander would not only be interesting, but more fitting to the environment.

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Rats, this could have been a Meena meme (Nena's expy in the movie)

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more funky lil anime girls, featuring rei expy and dentist nightmare

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Your OC and who/what they're named after

I got two, actually! First is them 10 years ago, second is their current source name-wise.

They started out as an *expy* of the first. I'm definitely hopeful to edge away from that as I draw them more again, hence the new name of Jonesy.

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When I made mine 10 years ago they were a cat burglar and admittedly an expy of a video game character named Trilby.

Nowadays I've changed them to be a treasure hunter of some kind, and more of a character of their own, although I'm still figuring them out. Now it's Jonesy.

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