The rain, the Poles, Farage on TV, I'll never forget what was yesterday and I am thinking: Fight or Fly?

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Sowing discord and telling lies You! very ugly persons one too very real!#INtogether

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Xenophobic Farage by the simply sublime Peter Brookes

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My cartoon Wednesday . Xenophobia puts the rage into Farage

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Esther threatening to show this to Nigel Farage if she hears his voice again

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Why does Nigel Farage not talk about his time with Haircut 100 more? They were pretty good!

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Today's cartoon on Gove condemning *that* Farage poster, on show...

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Farage failed to turn up at the opening of EU must be joking! At the political cartoon gallery tonight

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And... They're off! Election casualties take flight from leadership duties.

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from the archive - lets remind ourselves of the runners and riders

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Warning: may cause nightmares. Farage in progress.

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2015 Choose wisely people. & . Fun drawing for no one in particular.

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Nigel Farage or sad frog meme? you decide

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2000AD have always produced good honest satire and now Nigel Farage is targeted, as it should be.

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Brilliant Peter Brookes' cartoon this morning on Cameron and Farage

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When I do I do faces first as they can easily go wrong. Unless its Nigel Farage!

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