Some that aren't Kenshin since Kenshin will always be the best.

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Gambit has a veterans card for my cartoon crush harem! Ash would be in that list if they aged him up =C (am I allowed to mentally age him up? hes 4 years older than me technically)

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Thanks for outing me as a troublingly enthusiastic Watership Down '99 fan (Bigwig is BAE)

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Mine was Inuyasha (and Seshomaru). I'd be up late just to catch this show even if they were reruns. I remember fantasizing about this dog boy and making fanfics I never published because i wrote them on PAPER. What was 😂

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Honestly, Jim Hawkins is still one of my biggest cartoon crushes. I love this boy to death 😍😍😍

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So, I can’t exactly remember my but I do remember my first anime crush, or well, technically two from the same show, but anyways. My first anime crush (also like, actual anime not dubbed by 4Kids/sorry Sonic X, Sonic doesn’t really count) was Itsuki Koizumi.

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Joining this thing!
At least, as far as I remember

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honestly do I need to tell people this?? Also I actually wore that outfit to my first convention.

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Been seeing this trend going about, figured i'd join

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What if is a digimon, does that make me weird :C? (?)

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hell Marian still givin me a run for my money tbh

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