Since freedom planet 2 is finally out, I think it's a good time to repost my favorite arts of the gals from the game!

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Freedom Plant 2 is finally out!

Wrapping up some work then I'm gonna play it!

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Today is the release of Freedom Planet 2 so
its time to post some of my FP fanart. 😉

Im very excited what team of created for us.🎨🤩

32 82

Serpentine vs Lilac.
This is a redraw of a very very old drawing of mine. The first game was very important to me,and now we got freedom planet 2.Go play it.

40 90

Is finally out on Steam.
I've been looking forward to this moment for 5 years.

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Freedom Planet 2 officially released! As a big thank you and as a celebration, here's my art of the main four~
💜💚🧡💙 Congratulations !!

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Celebrating the Launch of Freedom Planet 2!! Really enjoyed the first game and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this one! Congratulations to for all of their hard work! Carol is my favorite!🐱#FreedomPlanet2

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It's been a long wait, but Freedom Planet 2 is finally here!!

The first Freedom Planet has been incredibly inspiring for me and I can't wait to dive back in!
Congrats to the team over at GalaxyTrail for their sheer dedication and passion over the past 7 years.

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yes thats right

only one day

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With 2 coming soon~ I figure I share some cute FP art I did back then~!
(The swimsuit one is old as fuck tho...)

32 81

Lilac Stretch (Remake)
I was experimenting with proportions and backgrounds and I think it turned out pretty well!

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