So I was distracted by Freyja I never got to show my guesses for the next banner so here are my guesses!

Reginn- I’m betting it based on the preview, could be F!Kris I just have a gut feeling she’ll break the alt after the book tradition

Freyr TT

Dagr + Effie harmonic


7 124

It makes me proud to say
that I'm somebody else noooooowwww

high school me vs. uni me because I DID change after all and Daði Freyr's song is gold. Stream "Somebody Else Now" 😔

1 8

These take the Mjolnir, for the lulz:

Bayek of Siwa (ditto)
Loki Loud (Loud House, I like blondes)
Daniel (DBH, make a robot into a GOD!)
Alith Anar ( and Freyr will be proud!)

2 3

Freyr and Freyja introduced in Book IV

1 22

Freyr waiting to be summoned and Freyr after being summoned

48 306

息抜きにDaði Freyrさんを描いた

2 6

I think about working things

0 2

"...quando ia parando, quem havia de lhe surgir de novo com nova gargalhada de demônio zombeteiro a escancarar o rosto inchado de defunto e a deixar ver dentes escandalosamente de ouro? Boca-de-Ouro. O fantasma roxo e amarelo."

Assombrações do Recife Velho. Gilberto Freyre.

36 184


(P.S IntSys give us Freyr already. his defense stat looks good)

0 3

Hai guys! MUTE here!
Here i have card of freyr the alladon commissioned by pouchrat on discord!

If interested in my work, wanting to commission me, purchase adopts or more!? You should join my server!:


0 19

Goodnight, Alex. Sleep well little lady.. ♥︎

First one is Alex.. second one is Freyr, my rat from a few years ago..

0 1

Oh Freyr ..😔
(Well at least I don't have many orbs so I can skip its not him)

0 4

Gonna go for a safe mythic prediction this month. It should be a light mythic, Freyja was a light mythic, and IS loves adding non-character OCs in as mythics instead of all the interesting possibilities from the main series.

Therefore Freyr seems likely.

0 5

1/2 The Swarthy One by Rowye The final battle between Surtr (or Surt) and Freyr in Ragnarök. In this scene, the giant Surtr is coming out of his homelands, Múspell, to fight Freyr, norse god of prosperity. This battle will end with the death of Freyr, and Surtr will go on to set

1 5

Plus a Freyr. Thanks Mukku Frenzy.

0 2

Interrupts ur scrolling to bring u freyr

u may now continue scrolling

10 33

pokemon professors freyr and ellie!! 🤭

21 198