Thanks for the space Goblets and Gays, that gif is perfect! I have a lot of things on my plate! I do art commissions, I stream on twitch on HavenRPG and
on sundays, who I'm also releasing a collab feywild related piece of content with on Monday via my Ko-Fi!

2 8

No puedo entender que casi todo el catálogo de , una de las editoriales más sugerente de Europa, siga prácticamente inédito en España... Abro un pequeño hilo de los excelentes autoras y autores de esta editorial:
Dominique Goblet

8 28

Harry salvando lo que más valora 🥰❤Harry saving what he values ​​most 😁💚

17 117

The wish a Happy New Year! 🥳

Goblets up 🥂

14 155

In William Gilbert’s ‘The Last Lords of Gardonal’, Conrad meets his end at the hands of his vampire-wife, whom he married without realising she was undead. He cannot drink from a goblet of blood to join her, so he is found as ‘a corpse on the floor’ in the morning.

13 71

"She was wearing robes made of a floaty, periwinkle-blue material, and she was holding herself differently, somehow..."
- "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

Thanks very much to artist Syeda ( for the submission of this gorgeous sketch!

6 71



ManaDC MASAMUNE Goblet23-43

5 12

It's Always Sunny In Ward 24 Plot 37, The Goblet

9 24

It's debatable whether Jahangir's true love was Alcohol & Opium or his 20th wife Nurjahan, but he loved both of them and that is evident with the portrayals of Jahangir with Nurjahan as well as holding his goblet.

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Celebrate those W's with a trophy emoji 🏆

Proud of you 🏆🥰
Goblet of fire 🏆🔥
Before the hotdog eating competition 🏆🐷
After the hotdog eating competition 🏆🌭

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Over 180 pieces of Roman glass survive in the Begram Hoard. One particular piece, the Pharos goblet, is believed to include a depiction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria - one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Begram Hoard, with 🎧

5 38

Do you think you've found all of the cool features in Jim Kay's illustrated edition of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"? One of our writers recently wrote up a deep dive of all the Easter eggs so you can check your tally against theirs:

2 28

Stepping into a realm full of new discoveries.

A dimension far from our imagination where everyday we are welcoming new visitors!

Goblets up!

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