Fanart Made style~ (credit on pics)

14 5

Fanart "In the every day life of leader and maknae" (credit on pics)

22 9

Fanart Bae Bae style~ (credit on pics)

4 5

Fanart (credit on pic) GD forever laying on Seungri's lap~

4 3

Fanart BANG BANG BANG style~ (credit on pic)

22 7

GRI. Always GRi. (Cr to owners)

34 10

i love this GRI fanart mostly!♡

1 4

Aww Cute Fanart 😘😘🐼❤️🐲 credit: Shui

57 21

[FANART] Cute (cr on pic) ~Admin V

8 6

Fanart Happiness (cr on pic) ~Admin V

5 7

GRi YG Bear Fanart!

3 1

love this GRi fanart very cool!!!

13 8

[Fanart Spam] 1. Backhug <3 (cr. on pic) ~Admin V

3 4

[Fanart Spam] 6. dancing (cr. on pic) ~Admin V

4 5

chu chu~ fanart (cr on pic) ~Admin V

11 7

fluffy (cr on pic) ~Admin V

8 11

backhug fanart ~Admin V

10 8

on Taeyang's Instagram Video :)

18 11

นอนนะที่รัก คืนนี้ฉันจะกอดเทอไว้เอาไว้เอง นึกถึง »»»»» cr:ตามรูปนะจ๊ะ ((บ๊ะบายๆ หลับระ คร๊อกฟี่ๆ~~

12 3