The story is heavily driven by Hawthorne's interest in Puritanism and Salem's history, including its preoccupation with witch trials. In fact, Hawthorne was the great-great grandson of John Hathorne, who was one of the judges leading the Salem witch trials 5/8

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++And just like Seth's vulnerablity, Horus' ability to say what he wants grows, albeit very slowly. In S1, Horus is only able of THINKING of rejecting her ideas, but in S2, he's able to reject Hathor's proposal outwardly, even though he knows Isis wants him to accept it.++

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the quick myth on tiktok today was about the Egyptian myth of Hathor! Go check it out on our story or tiktok!

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Just a reminder that if you have a question for about his amazing body of work thus far-email me: Are you team Shadowhunters, team Queen of The South, team Princess Switch, team The Haves And Have Nots or Team Run The World?

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If Horus smiled like that to me, I would react like Hathor as well 🏃🏻‍♀️

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Hathor was depicted as a woman wearing a headdress of cattle horns and a sun disk, with more temples dedicated to her than any other Egyptian goddess. She also appeared in funerary texts and art as the goddess, alongside Anubis, who welcomed the dead into the afterlife. 2/3

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Hathor took many names and roles over the course of Egyptian history, but was chiefly celebrated as the mother of Ra, and thus was the symbolic mother of the Pharaohs. Representing music, dance, love, sexuality, and motherhood, her cult was centred at Dendera in Upper Egypt. 1/3

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just chillin' hathor ✨

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It's day 3 of Tomb Raider 4 month. Todays art is heavily inspired by the egyptian gods. I made Lara fill out the roles of Hathor and Anubis.

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I drew one of my characters I haven't taken much care of yet, but he's heavily involved in one of my stories ! His name is Hathor and the ghost of his lover hasn't left his side since they died in a shipwreck :'<

I really appreciate RTs and comments, they help out a lot !! <3

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colored Hathor, Goddess of Motherhood, Music, and Love

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- Hathor es la hermana mayor de las tres, siendo ella la mediana y Bastet la menor.
- Sólo se emborracha en las fiestas de Hathor y Bastet
- Leona en el campo de batalla y en la cama.
- Solo Ptah la ha escuchado ronronear de felicidad.
- Su melena es la envidia de todos.

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- Después de casarse con Horus, Hathor colgó los hábitos eróticos. Fueron días tristes para los dioses solteros.
- Es muy complicado enfadar a Hathor, pero como oiga a alguien llamarla “Vaca Burra” o Gorda lo mata de un golpe.
- Sus abrazos son mortales.

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Repost of a quick portrait of my cat, Hathor.
This account isn’t really mine if this adorable furball isn’t here ❤️

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