Isshiki Makoto: She started with Hanakattare Boogie, a 1 vol manga, serialized in Shounen Jump, in 1985. She has a lot of serialization and one-shot, but two of the has anime: Handa Shounen-shi, a seinen, and Piano no Mori, a shoujo.

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My two Asian Horror OCs Alice & Hanaka ^w^

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*Alice & Hanaka fused into the most Beautiful Asian horror OC Alaka*

( thank you @/Phonics_twin577 for the Fusion Art of Alice & Hanaka ^w^ )

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Look at our Angelic Pretty Hanakami bear !!! If you are going to A-Kon please consider applying to model!!

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My favorites are Hanaka, Fear-Walker, Alice, & Koba ^w^

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Both of my Asian Horror OCs Alice & Hanaka ^w^

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Here’s my 6’0ft Korean Japanese horror girl Hanaka ^w^

( I wish I had more )

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Alice - The Dangerously Adorable

Hanaka - Asian Horror Wrestler

Sinn - Elvin Hell-Raiser

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Sinn, Alice, Hanaka, & Nikasa

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Let’s see if Sinn can get more than Hanaka

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Alice, Hanaka, Sinn, & Trace

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Either one of these two Asian Horror OCs Alice & Hanaka will accept the challenge ^w^

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Here are my two Asian Horror Girl’s Alice & Hanaka ^w^

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