I'm sure you know these muscles & their function :)

Answer: https://t.co/gVcCdx6KFT

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What's the function of the multifidus muscle?

Answer: https://t.co/uQEByHvMjq

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I bet you know the function of this muscle, don't you? :)

Answer: https://t.co/X93vnjpchB

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What's the function of the subcostal muscles?

Answer: https://t.co/6rexaXxkg5

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Here's a challenge for you: name the structure in green! :)

Solution: https://t.co/G78fYt5t14

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Easy-peasy for you guys: which structure is marked in green here?

(Answer: https://t.co/gjSJQaTNQO)

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Easy-peasy for you guys: which structure is marked in green here?

(Answer: https://t.co/gjSJQaTNQO)

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Brace yourself for your anatomy exams!

Submandibular Triangle: https://t.co/iPQBfr8qVC

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Ever heard of the anatomical snuff box?

Learn all about it here: https://t.co/mxm8Gu47u8

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Do you know which ganglion is highlighted in green here?

Solution: https://t.co/AyqUYUmxtz

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Which part of the hip joint is highlighted in green here?

Answer: https://t.co/brLu5zUuCU

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The ductus pancreaticus opens up into which structure?

Answer: https://t.co/bV70Cwqlsy

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Have you ever heard of a "drop hand"?

Read all about the radial nerve here: https://t.co/eaDf01qzvs

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Did you already master this muscle and its function? :)

Answer: https://t.co/pLTlEGwghN

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Do you know the function of the brachioradialis muscle?

Answer: https://t.co/VFTT8rgDlh

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Do you know this muscle and its function?

Answer: https://t.co/uAMN24Qnou

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The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone - Learn more about it here: https://t.co/p3MPGljv3M

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Do you know this ligament and its clinical relevance?

Answer: https://t.co/gTjvr8kCyA

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Do you know this muscle and its function? I bet you do :)

Answer: https://t.co/kxjmfnkWFS

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Do you know this ligament and its clinical relevance?

Answer: https://t.co/gTjvr8kCyA

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