Gandalf Inspiring Presence - D8P

Gandalf inspiring the soldiers of Minas Tirith.

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Gwaihir the Windlord - Manzanedo

A descendant of Thorondor, it is said that Gwaihir was his vassal in the First Age and, with his brother Landroval, helped rescue Beren and Lúthien from Angband

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Local stray that has been wandering the coastline for 6633 years seeks passage back home, more at 11.

So, I lean towards his staying in ME and don't think any Feanorian* would EVER admit that... but this was too amusing not to draw 😂

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Tuor and Idril in Gondolin - Jenny Dolfen

“Their eyes met”. Jenny Dolfen depicts the first meeting of Idril and Tuor in Gondolin.

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The Door of Night - John Howe

The Door of Night was a portal in the distant Uttermost West that leads to heaven, and/or the Void.

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