This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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Missandei announced her. “All kneel for Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Shackles, and Mother of Dragons.”


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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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“What is a valonqar? Some monster?” The golden girl did not like that foretelling. “You’re a liar & a warty frog & a smelly old savage, & I don’t believe a word of what you say. Come away, Melara. She is not worth hearing.”

-Cersei VIII, A Feast For Crows

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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Someday I will teach you the meaning of “ill luck,” the queen had vowed.

-Cersei III, A Feast For Crows

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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Another small victory. Perhaps I cannot make my people good, she told herself, but I should at least try to make them a little less bad.

-Daenerys IX, A Dance With Dragons

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Daughters of the North

another Stark sisters piece because I love Arya and I love Sansa and I think they deserve the word

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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This is from a series of character studies I’m doing to get ready for an upcoming sketch challenge. Here’s

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