こんばんはっ ۬৺۬☆ 突然ですが霜月が初めて佐世保に行きます ۬৺۬☆ ITASHAWEEK2018に出展するストリートグラフィックス( )さんのブースにパネル展示が決まりましたっ ۬৺۬☆ 皆さんぜひ会いにきてくださいねっ!

25 46


44 115

【特報】SASEBO ITASHA WEEKにさせぼ競輪に新しく加わったキャラクター「九十九島凪海(くじゅうくしまなみ)」が登場します!
九十九島凪海ちゃんのリンクはこちら→ https://t.co/uNz8bZdTpe

53 57

Arou in the storm.
Thank you card I made...

4 43

The wind of the dragons

2 26

Après trois mois, j’ai enfin pu mettre des couleurs sur ce dessin.
Feu de camp, avec Flix & Titash.

1 10

Finally colored this picture made 3 months ago…
Flix & Titash campfire.

8 50

The wind of the dragons
Warrior Mage
Feat. Titash

8 68

Le vent des dragons
Mage Guerrier
Feat. Titash

1 8

The wind of the dragons
Water Witch

5 23

The wind of the dragons

3 24

Here is a lovely new girl I finished today, a Knitting/sewing mistress named Knitasha! She can sew and knit up nearly anything within minutes. She is very serious and I love it! Wacha think?

13 33

The wind of the dragons
Elemental Mage
Feat. Arou.

10 78

The wind of the dragons

7 34

WTH?! I ran into a weird af glitch... WHERE IS YOUR FACE!?

1 4

Seriously, this games art is flippin beautiful.

3 9

Daily Doodle Vitasha, 's adorable healer. It ended up not being a doodle... ><

2 3