Week 22 for my challenge! Return of the jet-lagged monster because I already know what I'll be feeling this week.

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At today table C9! Landed back in NY yesterday at 10am. Luckily im not jetlagged. Also got a new Kanna key chain! PS if you like fafner stop by for some free prints!

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Al regresar me enferme por el cambio de clima y me tumbe por 3 días durmiendo por el jetlag, el peor regreso que he tenido sin duda.

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it's 6am and at this rate, i can't even blame jetlag for my lack of sleep but have these cute ladies from a cute BOP and goodnight

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Struggling so hard right now to stay awake... I am terrible with jetlag. HOWEVER! This means ill probably stream soon so I dont fall asleep. Ill keep you updated!

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Shouldnt sleep for too long this night so that I can sleep in the plane tomorrow to fight the jetlag a bit

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Lectures de jetlag, durant l’heure perdue.

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Annnn gess who jet lagged wide awake but has erly apointment tomoz......☝🏻🙄

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Having jet lag an bein determined to stay awake til tonite to reset ur body clock......tht totily did not hapen 😳😴😅

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Decided to try travel journaling once again, hoping I won't stop midway this time 🏯🛩️🇻🇳

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Drew more of Jetlag Production's version of the mouse king...

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i've made little effort to fix my jetlag but i DID make my first order of business at home catching up on the bnha manga so like

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Jetlag making me feel like a Toronto jellyfish

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Back home from the US! Gotta work on that jetlag so enjoy some old fanart I made a while ago

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Really jetlagged dumb of Skai
She's probably thinking about ffxv or maws or smth

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Also, hello jetlag! Wide awake at 5:30 - now to make it through the whole day, oh boy!

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binge-watched this to fix jetlag. cant get over how good it issss

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